thomas bewick in goudy’s ars typographica

The above pages were scanned from a copy of Frederic W. Goudy’s magazine Ars Typographica (Summer 1918) on the great Thomas Bewick. (click on each for a closer look)

The Bewick Society

Thomas Bewick (1753-1828)

Newcastle University Library Special Collections

(click on links above for more on Bewick)

(click on link above for more info on Goudy)

martin creed @ the tate britain

(click on above link to see a video of the exhibit.)


“Running is the opposite of being still.  If you think about death as being completely still & movement as a sign of life, then the fastest movement is the biggest sign of life.  So running fast is like the exact opposite of death—it’s an example of aliveness.”


–Martin Creed

(click on above link to get info on show)